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Methodology of Scientific Research : study book = Методология научного исследования (66,00 руб.)

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Первый авторИванова Татьяна Борисовна
АвторыКозлов Александр Алексеевич, Журавлева Екатерина Александровна
ИздательствоМ.: РУДН
Аннотация«Methodology of Scientific Research» is a study book prepared by a group of scholars from engineering faculty of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. It covers the main aspects of the nature and methods of scientific research. The study book concentrates primarily on methods of data collecting and data analyzing which is extremely important for students in social sciences including economics. The main advantage of the study book is the focus on creative thinking development and autonomous data search for researching of important socio-economic problems. «Methodology of Scientific Research» is designed for students of economic schools, individual researchers and those who feel interest in scientific methods of data analysis. Исследование охватывает основные аспекты природы и методы научного исследования: методы сбора и анализа данных, что чрезвычайно важно для учащихся и студентов по общественным наукам, в том числе экономики. Основным преимуществом учебника является акцент на развитии творческого мышления и автономной поиск данных для исследования важных социально-экономических проблем.
Иванова, Т. Б. Methodology of Scientific Research : study book = Методология научного исследования : учеб. пособие / А. А. Козлов, Е. А. Журавлева; Т. Б. Иванова .— Москва : РУДН, 2012 .— 81 с. — Книга на анг. яз. - На титул. листе авторы: Ivanova Tatyana Borisovna, Kozlov Alexandr Alekseevich, Zhuravleva Ekaterina Alexandrovna .— ISBN 978-5-209-03657-9 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/221307 (дата обращения: 09.06.2024)

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ISBN 978-5-209-03657-9 «Methodology of Scientific Research» is a study book prepared by a group of scholars from engineering faculty of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. <...> The study book concentrates primarily on methods of data collecting and data analyzing which is extremely important for students in social sciences including economics. <...> The main advantage of the study book is the focus on creative thinking development and autonomous data search for researching of important socio-economic problems. «Methodology of Scientific Research» is designed for students of economic schools, individual researchers and those who feel interest in scientific methods of data analysis. <...> It offers notions, concepts and instruments of science research to help scholars in investigating topics connected with vast spheres of social sciences including economics. <...> It was philosophers of Ancient Greece who were the first to start applying scientific method to explain the existing reality. <...> XX century gives us hypothetic and deductive model of scientific method. <...> If your hypothesis is true which consequences or conclusions might it have due to the rules of logic? 3. <...> Verification: look for facts which may contradict each of there conclusions in order to refute your hypothesis. <...> Experiment. 3 Most Ancient philosophers considered 1st and 4th steps to be extremely important. <...> Mention should be made that the scientific method will never be able to verify the hypothesis truth. <...> It can only refute it and show that it is false. 4 SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY What is a Scientific Method? <...> Collecting data is part of the scientific research process, and it also needs to be analyzed and interpreted. <...> Example: ▪ At the end of the experiment, 50% of the bacteria in the sample treated with penicillin were left alive. <...> The experiment showed that the moon is 384 403 km away from the earth. <...> Qualitative measurements are based upon observation and they generally require some type of numerical manipulation or scaling. 6 As an example, a social scientist interviewing drug addicts in a series of case studies, and documenting what they see, is not really performing science, although the research is still useful. <...> A medical researcher might <...>
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Engineering Faculty T.B. IVANOVA, A.A. KOZLOV, E.A. ZHURAVLEVA METHODOLOGY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Study Book Moscow Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia 2012
УДК 001 ББК 72 И 20 У т в е р ж д е н о РИС Ученого совета Российского университета дружбы народов Р е ц е н з е н т ы: доктор экономических наук, профессор Юха Хамадаинен, доктор социологических наук, профессор Вели-Матти Ритакаллио Ivanova T.B., Kozlov A.A., Zhuravleva E.A. И 20 Methodology of Scientific Research (Методология научного исследования) : Study Book / Т.Б. Иванова, А.А. Козлов, Е.А. Журавлева. – М. : РУДН, 2012. – 76 с. ISBN 978-5-209-03657-9 «Methodology of Scientific Research» is a study book prepared by a group of scholars from engineering faculty of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. It covers the main aspects of the nature and methods of scientific research. The study book concentrates primarily on methods of data collecting and data analyzing which is extremely important for students in social sciences including economics. The main advantage of the study book is the focus on creative thinking development and autonomous data search for researching of important socio-economic problems. «Methodology of Scientific Research» is designed for students of economic schools, individual researchers and those who feel interest in scientific methods of data analysis. ISBN 978-5-209-03657-9 © Иванова Т.Б., Козлов А.А., Журавлева Е.А., 2012 © Российский университет дружбы народов, Издательство, 2012 ББК 72
INTRODUCTION The Study Book «Methodology of Scientific research» is for students who are taking different Master courses. It offers notions, concepts and instruments of science research to help scholars in investigating topics connected with vast spheres of social sciences including economics. History of scientific research. It was philosophers of Ancient Greece who were the first to start applying scientific method to explain the existing reality. They paid much attention to the logic of discussion setting up its main rules and principles usually based on sophistic affirmations. Socrates, one of the most famous philosophers, is known by his saying that the truth is borne in discussion. XX century gives us hypothetic and deductive model of scientific method. It contained the following consequent actions: 1. Use your experience: detect the problem and try to comprehend it. Find its existing explanations. If the problem is new for you take the next step. 2. Set up your hypothesis. Explain your idea and share it with someone or expose it in a written form. Draw conclusions from your hypothesis. If your hypothesis is true which consequences or conclusions might it have due to the rules of logic? 3. Verification: look for facts which may contradict each of there conclusions in order to refute your hypothesis. Conclusions according to the rules of logic cannot be used to confirm the hypothesis. It can be considered as a logical error and is known as «aaffirming the consequent» (Greek Επιβεβαίωση του επομένου). 4. Experiment. 3
Most Ancient philosophers considered 1st and 4th steps to be extremely important. Mention should be made that the scientific method will never be able to verify the hypothesis truth. It can only refute it and show that it is false. 4
CONTENTS Introduction …………………………………………………… Scientific Method and Research Methodology ……………….. Scientific Research Methods …………………………………. How to choose from the different research methods …………. Replication study ……………………………………………... SWOT analysis ……………………………………………….. PEST analysis ………………………………………………… Steps of the scientific method ………………………………… Syllabus ……………………………………………………….. References …………………………………………………….. 3 5 14 34 41 43 49 54 65 75 76