Национальный цифровой ресурс Руконт - межотраслевая электронная библиотека (ЭБС) на базе технологии Контекстум (всего произведений: 638366)

Учебно-методическое пособие по письменной практике для студентов певого курса (220,00 руб.)

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АвторыБунеева Ирина Михайловна, Дьякова Елена Юрьевна, Пигловская Вера Викторовна, Сычева Алла Андреевна
ИздательствоИздательский дом ВГУ
АннотацияНастоящее учебно-методическое пособие является дополнением к учебнику «A Course in Written English», который используется на 1 курсе для обучению студентов английской орфографии.
Кому рекомендованоРекомендовано для студентов 1-го курса английского отделения, обучающихсяпопрофилям «Теорияиметодикапреподаванияиностранных языков и культур» и «Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации».
Учебно-методическое пособие по письменной практике для студентов певого курса / И.М. Бунеева, Е.Ю. Дьякова, В.В. Пигловская, А.А. Сычева .— Воронеж : Издательский дом ВГУ, 2017 .— 65 с. — 65 с. — URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/673201 (дата обращения: 10.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Методическая записка Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие является дополнением к учебнику «A Course in Written English», который используется на 1 курсе для обучению студентов английской орфографии. Создание данного пособия обусловлено необходимостью увеличения количества упражнений, обновления иллюстрационного материала на основе произведений современной английской и американской литературы, создания тестов, а также для взаимосвязанного развития навыков правописания и произношения, чтения и написания транскрипции у студентов 1 курса английского отделения с целью подготовки их к экзаменам за 1 и 2 семестры (аспект «Письменная практика»). Пособие состоит из 15 глав. Главы 1-14 посвящены английской орфографии – 4 типам слога, омофонам, немым гласным и согласным. Каждая глава имеет следующую структуру: а) некоторые орфографические правила, б) иллюстрационный материал, в) упражнения на закрепление правил, г) тесты. Для более наглядной подачи материала используются сравнительносопоставительные таблицы и рисунки. Глава 15 рассматривает особенности написания английских открыток, что предусмотрено программой 1 курса, и создана на основе диссертационного исследования Зайцевой Е.В., выполненного под руководством профессора Цуриковой Л.В. Глава 15 также снабжена заданиями и тестами. Задания и тесты в конце каждой главы можно выполнять полностью или частично, пособие можно использовать как для аудиторных занятий, 3
rock, bore, go, or, ox, ore, long, sport, fond, horse, no, rose, forty, morning, not, nose, wore, orchard, cock, tore, hot, sort, clock, before, stone, fork, bone, restore, horror, more, phone, shore, pole, ignore, hole, explore, sole, corner, joke, adore, nod. Uu [(j)u:] [ʌ] / [ʊ] [ᴈ:] [jʊә] blue, burn, but, pure, use, pull, purse, just, burst, fun, cut, endure, Thursday, amuse, sun, full, hurt, accuse, bull, church, tulip, bus, duke, secure, rubbish, Tuesday, curl, demure, tube, turn, rub, mute, hunt, purpose, sure, student, public, caricature, jump, refuse, foot, fur, cure, suffer. Yy [ai] [i] [ᴈ:] [aiә] bye, system, tyre, my, myth, Syd, crystal, fly, try, pyre, myrtle, rye, dye, rhythm, deny, rely, supply, symbol, lyre, type, typist, lynx. 2. Practise reading the following words 1. cock, lie, deny, well, ten, intend, egg, bed, red, net, festival, her, hole, sole, noble, joke, joke, jump, public, rubbish, not, rock, wire, expire, empire, inspire, require, go, no, pale, win, mint, made, sale, plate, rate, name. 2. behave, gate, clock, tale, serve, verse, tore, wore, berth, God, hot, dog, take, mermaid, permanent, service, table, bad, time, dye, fat, cat, sincere, pine, nine, ware, pet, fog, horror, nod, or, forty, horse, but, sun, bus. 3. morning, suffer, burn, orchard, corner, sport, fork, sort, more, rye, five, before, adore, pare, mix, sing, ill, haircare, stare, me, he, these, even, complete, be, Egypt, stripe, slice, ore, try, birch, fir, first, circle, bird, dirty. 6
4. sir, third, ladybird, dirt, fire, hire, tired, admire, men, chess, rose, nose, stone, mere, interfere, long, fond, sphere, perfect, perch, atmosphere, ice, fine, rise, drive, myrtle, tyre, bore, here, severe, met, pen, big, fill, kiss. 5. hare, phone, pole, bat, pan, man, mad, apple, flat, battle, arm, alarm, car, dark, bone, ignore, restore, explore, shore, blue, use, amuse, accuse, tulip, duke, Tuesday, tube, mute, student, cut, rub, fun, cattle, sad, refuse, refer. 6. recently, ecology, far, hard, art, part, card, artist, farm, harm, bare, care, dare, fare, sit, is, lip, six, picnicker, prince, insect, girl, shirt, skirt, buy, hunt, just, burst, hurt, church, fur, ride, pile, turn, curl, Thursday, purse. 7. Purpose, pure, cure, endure, secure, demure, caricature, sure, obscure, bye, my, desire, retire, fly, tie, prepare, square, mile, rely, supply, type, typist, myth, Syd, crystal, rhythm, symbol, system, lynx, pyre. 3. Read the following pairs of words. Fill in the gaps with appropriate sounds. [e], [i], [i:], [ӕ], [ʌ], [ɔ:], [ɒ], [әʊ], [u:], [ᴈ:], [a:], [ei], [e], [eә], [iә]. [ ] – [ ] pig – peg [ ] – [ ] fool – full [ ] – [ ] rare – rear [ ] – [ ] stir – star [ ] – [ ] lift – left [ ] – [ ] pot – port [ ] – [ ] Joe – jaw [ ] – [ ] green – grin [ ] – [ ] pane – pan [ ] – [ ] burn – barn [ ] – [ ] not – naught [ ] – [ ] bean – bin [ ] – [ ] test – taste [ ] – [ ] show – shore [ ] – [ ] had – head [ ] – [ ] hair – here [ ] – [ ] cold – called [ ] – [ ] chair– cheer [ ] – [ ] miss – mess [ ] – [ ] tale – tell [ ] – [ ] bear – beer [ ] – [ ] fun – fan [ ] – [ ] much– match [ ] – [ ] meal – mill [ ] – [ ] Luke – look [ ] – [ ] can – Ken [ ] – [ ] stock – stalk [ ] – [ ] spare – spear [ ] – [ ] spot – sport [ ] – [ ] age – edge [ ] – [ ] heard – hard [ ] – [ ] dirt – dart [ ] – [ ] birth – bath [ ] – [ ] boat–bought [ ] – [ ] cot – court [ ] – [ ] low – law [ ] – [ ] pool – pull [ ] – [ ] fox – forks [ ] – [ ] cheek– chick [ ] – [ ] uncle – ankle [ ] – [ ] paper – pepper [ ] – [ ] shade – shed 7
4. Fill in the gaps with appropriate vowel letters. Define the syllable type. ______ Type [i] [e] [ɒ] tr_p tr_k tr_d l_st [ʌ] tr_st l_st [ӕ] tr_m str_p str_ss pr_d tr_ss tr_mp l_st l_ss m_ss m_ss m_ss m_ss m_ss l_st pr_nt pr_ss pr_p pl_mp pr_m _______ Type [ai] [i:] [әʊ] [(j)u:] [ei] m_le m_te m_le m_le m_le t_le s_e b_ne r_le b_y w_de P_te d_me h_e gr_de r_de s_a l_nely r_de b_ke s_de fr_e t_ne incl_de pl_te [ᴈ:] f_r s_r [ᴈ:] p_rt _rr _______ Type [ɔ:] _r s_rt st_r t_rm _rder g_rl s_rve n_r sm_rk p_rky c_rd f_rm h_r p_rt [aiә] [iә] [ᴈ:] f_r [a:] c_r p_rr b_rn bl_r c_rl p_r c_lm h_rt ch_rm s_rf c_rp _______ Type [ɔ:] f_re h_re b_re t_re sp_ral b_er s_re l_ar sn_er sh_re [jʊә] s_re [eә] f_re v_ral sph_re f_re end_re c_re m_re m_re f_rehead all_re p_re d_re t_ar p_re d_re c_re h_re f_ry m_re 8
5. Fill the gaps with appropriate letters. [ӕ] [ei] [a:] [ɔ:] [ᴈ:] [eә] m_t m_t_ m_ _ m_r_ st_ck st_k_ st_ _ st_r_ sh_ck sh_k_ sh_ _k sh_r_ [ɒ] [әʊ] [ɔ:] c_d c_d_ c_ _k c_r_ st_ck st_k_ st_ _m st_r_ sh_t st_n_ sh_ _t sh_r_ [e] [i:] [ai] [ᴈ:] [iә] n_t n_ _t ne_ _ve n_ _r h_n h_ _t h_ _ h_r_ qu_nch qu_ _n p_ _t qu_ _r [i] [aiә] f_n f_n_ f_ _ f_r_ sp_t sp_t_ sp_ _t sp_r_ s_t s_t_ [ʌ] [(j)u:] [ᴈ:] c_t s_ _ s_r_ [jʊә] c_t_ c_ _t c_r_ pu_nch p_l_ p_ _r p_r_ pl_m pl_m_ bl_ _ l_r_ Lesson 1 (The First Type of Syllable). A passage for dictation: The kettle boils. Vic makes a pot of strong tea, puts two slices of white bread in the toaster, and opens the louvres of the venetians blinds on the kitchen window to peer into the garden. A grey, blustery morning, with no frost. Squirrels bound across the lawn like balls of fluff blown by the wind. Magpies strut from flowerbed to flower bed, greedily devouring the grubs that he turned up in yesterday’s gardening. Blackbirds, sparrows, robins and other birds whose names Vic doesn’t know, skip and hop about at a discreet distance from the magpies. All these creatures seem very much at home in Vic’s garden, although it is only two miles from the city centre. One morning not long ago he saw a fox walking past 9
the same window. Vic tapped on the pane. The fox stopped and turned his head to look at Vic for a moment, as if to say, Yes? and proceeded calmly on his way, his brush swaying in the air behind him. (David Lodge, Nice Work) Copy and translate the sentences: 1. I can't make head or tail of what you're doing. 2. The end of the tale was lost in laughter. 3. Sophie took her foot off the brake and coasted down to a second gate and podium. 4. If you have heavy equipment, break it up and make two or three trips. 5. In his home and at his table there appeared artists, publishers, grand opera stars, actors and playwrights. 6. I picked my seven tiles and carefully arranged them in front of me. 7. One summer afternoon we strolled through a beech forest in Vermont. 8. When I am able, I go out walking on Briny Beach very early in the morning. 9. He climbed the stairs quietly, not wanting to awaken any of family. 10. It was three-thirty in the afternoon, and a mild sea breeze was blowing. 11. Vernet did not breathe again until the truck was a good fifty meters down the street. 12. He has some fairly persuasive reasons to suspect you ". Sophie's expression was grim. 13. I was just about to click “inbox” on my Hotmail account to see if anyone had e-mailed yet when she cruised into the office. 14. He was still in the driver's seat, stunned, bruised, but alive. 15. The tune was on three notes only, and the word that was repeated over and over was a word so old it had lost its meaning, 10

Облако ключевых слов *

* - вычисляется автоматически
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